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What Is Oxycodone?

woman talks with therapist about what oxycodone is

The widespread misuse of opioids, including oxycodone, is a problem with serious consequences. Common oxycodone medications include OxyContin and Percocet. They are generally prescribed by doctors to relieve severe pain, especially after an injury or surgery. However, like so many prescription medications, they are also highly addictive. Understanding what oxycodone is, the signs of oxycodone addiction, and what oxycodone addiction treatment involves can help those struggling with an oxycodone addiction get the help they need.

What Is Oxycodone?

Oxycodone is a partially synthetic opioid derived from the poppy plant. It works by acting on opioid receptors in the brain, blocking pain signals and releasing dopamine, a feel-good chemical that creates a sense of euphoria. It has similar properties to codeine and is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance. These are substances that have some of the greatest risks of abuse and addiction.

While it can be prescribed for pain relief, it is also sought after recreationally to create a euphoric high and state of relaxation. Its pill form comes as immediate-release or extended-release, but when misused, those who use oxycodone might also snort or inject it.

In addition to the more common brand names of OxyContin and Percocet, oxycodone also goes by brand names Roxicodone and OxyIR, as well as various generic versions.

Common Signs of Oxycodone Addiction

There are a number of signs to look out for to determine if someone is addicted to oxycodone. It is not uncommon to become dependent on oxycodone beyond managing pain. Signs that oxycodone addiction treatment may be needed include:

  • Obtaining multiple prescriptions
  • Taking more than the prescribed amount
  • Taking the drug when not experiencing pain
  • Taking the drug for recreational use only
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not on the drug

Side Effects of Oxycodone Abuse

As a prescription drug, oxycodone is intended to be used for a short period to treat pain resulting from an injury or surgery. Beyond the prescribed dosage and time period, you are putting yourself at risk of becoming dependent on the drug. This misuse of the drug and your resulting dependence on it can cause many side effects, making it more difficult to stop using the drug on your own.

Side effects of oxycodone use include:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Excessive sweating
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Sore muscles
  • Irritability

If you are struggling with oxycodone addiction, it is important to seek help. Addiction treatment centers offer a variety of recovery programs that can address your physical and mental health, making it easier for you to go through the detox process and break away from your addiction.

NuLife Behavioral Health Offers Effective Oxycodone Addiction Treatment

Oxycodone addiction treatment looks different for each person. Ultimately, you should choose a treatment experience that works best for your life and your needs. This can include more flexible outpatient programs that allow you to continue going to work, school, or other obligations while getting the help you need.

You can feel very alone in your battle with oxycodone abuse. But in order to overcome it, you need the support of family, friends, and professionals. At NuLife Behavioral Health, we understand the road to addiction, and we know how to get you back on the right path. A customized treatment plan is developed for each individual that includes therapies and tools to support the goal of recovery. Being able to go through this process in a supportive therapeutic environment surrounded by professionals will give you the best chance at successful treatment and recovery.

Contact our professional and caring team today at 888.568.2057 or reach out online to start your treatment journey. We are here to help you get back to the healthiest version of yourself.