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Is Suboxone Addictive?

man looks out of the window and considers is suboxone addictive

Suboxone is prescribed as part of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) programs to help manage the symptoms of withdrawing from other drugs. However, Suboxone itself does carry a potential for misuse, and dependency on Suboxone is possible. It is important to keep in mind that Suboxone should only be taken as prescribed, and any changes to doses or usage should only occur with the approval of your doctor. It is hard to admit you have a drug problem, and it is even harder to admit you are addicted to a drug that is supposed to be helping you. While Suboxone is addictive, there are treatment programs that can help. Suboxone addiction treatment from NuLife Behavioral Health can make a difference.

Recovery is within reach. Contact the NuLife Behavioral Health team at 888.568.2057 or reach out to us online today to learn more about how Suboxone addiction treatment can help you heal.

What Is Suboxone?

The ingredients that make up Suboxone work to help manage withdrawal symptoms when starting to detox from opioid use. The two key main ingredients are naloxone and buprenorphine. Suboxone can be ingested in a tablet that you swallow or a film that is placed under the tongue. The combination of naloxone and buprenorphine works to counteract the addictive effects of taking an opioid on its own, making it weaker, less desirable, and delivering less of a high.

Can Suboxone Be Addictive?

Suboxone is an opioid and can be misused in the same way as any other opioid. If you take Suboxone for longer than prescribed, or if you take more than the recommended dosage for your body, it can lead to physical dependence. Signs of misuse may include taking Suboxone longer than prescribed, turning to Suboxone in times of stress or anxiety, hiding your use of Suboxone from family and friends, and running out of the medication before your next refill.

Why Is Suboxone Prescribed?

Suboxone is prescribed as part of MAT programs primarily to help manage withdrawal symptoms associated with detoxing from other substances.

For some, withdrawal symptoms are minor, but for others, they can be severe and this is when a medication like Suboxone can be helpful. Withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Tremors
  • Chills
  • Sweats
  • Runny eyes
  • Diarrhea

Suboxone can help relieve the symptoms associated with detoxing from opioid use. However, it also carries a risk of addiction and dependency, which is why it should only be taken as prescribed and with close doctor supervision.

Dealing with Suboxone Addiction

A Suboxone addiction can be frustrating, especially for those who were prescribed Suboxone to help them. If you are battling with a Suboxone addiction, it is important to reach out for help. Personalized treatment from a team that is experienced in helping people break free of Suboxone addiction can help you build a foundation for lasting, sustainable recovery.

Treatment for Suboxone addiction is similar to opioid addiction treatment. Some of the most effective approaches include behavioral therapy, group therapy, and family therapy. Each of these therapeutic approaches helps participants build different skills. For example, behavioral therapy can help clients learn how to better handle triggers and cravings, while group therapy can provide a supportive environment to share experiences with those in similar situations.

Contact NuLife Behavioral Health for Addiction Treatment Programs That Can Change Your Life

Suboxone may be addictive, but this addiction doesn’t have to define your life. The help of an experienced team and the support of your peers can make a difference. If you’re ready to break free of Suboxone addiction or are concerned about the Suboxone use of a loved one, reach out to our team today.

Call NuLife Behavioral Health at 888.568.2057 or connect with us online to get started.